Live What You Know

Waking up is more than it seems. You KNOW more than you've ever been "taught"! You chose to be here now. Make yourTRUEself proud!

We Rise Together

So far, one of the hardest things in life for me to understand and accept from/about other people is this love of an underdog – not in sports/entertainment style competition… but, in LIFE. I’ve been hurt repeatedly by people very “close” to me (especially those that some might say are almost required to [but, in the end – unable to] love me) by this specific frequency/phenomenon. It’s very easy to feel … it just hits you in the gut that they’d rather you be doing poorly / be worse off / have something bad happen to you… you can feel it. They can’t hide it very well… it’s that they’d be so much more comfortable if you would come down / be less / stay stuck in a lower frequency and/or level of some sort. The level isn’t even always of the same measurement – it’s not even always your status or anything monetary (although, often it is)… it could just be your energy, your spark, your vibration, etc. They just want you to come down… to be less.

Somewhere along the line, the underdog lovers chose to settle. They settled for how much easier they find it to picture you coming down, rather than envisioning themselves rising up or cycling up to meet you. I suppose they feel threatened somehow – and this keeps them stuck in this cycle of wishing less on others. AND, when they do that to others, they are doing it to themselves by settling for and holding that vision of that version of themselves – therefore, perpetuating the cycle and cementing their own lower frequency.

Personally, I have never measured people in this way. I just haven’t. I’ve been nearly crippled by empathy (working on that) since I was a tiny person and it never really left any room to experience people in the way this type of labeling/categorizing and reacting to according to how I see myself and how it makes me feel type of interaction. In that sense, the empathy wasn’t really crippling after all. When you’re always feeling people rather than classifying them, it allows a completely different type of experience or Beingness together (or even one sided in many cases). In approaching this topic in this space and pondering it, I can see the gift in my specifically designed for me approach and experience of connecting. I am so grateful I never had to do this hurtful thing to others, yet, I can have more compassion, and even forgiveness, for the harm that others do to themselves by interacting in this way.

The only positive thing about the underdog lovers is that this approach to others draws clear distinctions for gauging whether an actual alignment is possible. If there is one thing to stay away from on a path of seeking to embody better and better versions of yourself – it is the underdog lover. That frequency is a trap and can keep you stuck in lower frequencies and lesser versions of yourself.

Just a pondering and processing little write up… real-eyes-ing the impetus, releasing the pain, expanding the compassion and most importantly – cycling up – NEVER SHRINKING.

May our Souls guide us to the places where the other Souls celebrate our deep and beautiful risings and we continuously lift each other up!

So much Love to All! – S

I Am and I Will!

I AM and I Will. Happy New Year Everyone! May this Year of The Dragon be filled with beautiful creations/miracles/blessings for us All!

I was in my 20s before I knew I was a Fire Dragon. A new and instantly close friend introduced me to the Chinese zodiac calendar. She was a Rat. A compatibility triangle soon swept into my life – the Dragon/Rat/Monkey triangle. She told me – “We need to find you a Monkey!” She was with me the night I met my husband – My Monkey. She was right – we’re very compatible… we will celebrate 20 years of marriage this year.

I’m 47 now. I was just looking back on 2012 – the previous Dragon year… what a year that was. It’s the KNOWING that makes all the difference. I Know the power of the Dragon. I feel deeply from inside what that fire feels like. I am so grateful for this timing in my Life. I can feel the alignment/awakening/embodiment taking place. I feel the Dragon within every year. But, I Know the power of the timing taking place now at this instant and the continuous pulse of the instants that will carry me through this year.

Our family mantra this year (formed and given from my Dragon Spirit) is – Life Moves in Cycles – Let’s Cycle Up. We have talked a lot about how the only way to truly Cycle Up is through living the Pulse of Life. We know what that means to us. We have already left old cycles behind and will continue to do so. I Am excited at what stepping through into this Year of the Dragon means for me. I was craving a bit of softness – mostly fueled from exhaustion. The power of this year and the alignment it brings gives me the perfect balance of both – the Dragon that gives Life!

Having to make sense (or let go) of the illusions in this place and at the same time navigating in a world where most don’t see has been interesting to say the least. I am so grateful for the Dragon within that carries me through to deeper places and the alignment and timing of this Year that couldn’t have come at a better ‘time’… as I can feel the Dragon more easily than I can lay eyes on the absurdity of the widely accepted illusions of this ‘world’ they project. REAL Life is full of Love; not their inverted projected ridiculous version – but, real, natural Life. The Dragon moves with Life and in Love. The Fire is full of LOVE!

This is a bit of an manifestation/accountability/clear vision piece for me today. But also for inspiration and gratitude! May some spark of the Fire land on you with great and powerful vibrations full of Love! So much LOVE your way!

Within! SH!

Feeling a bit off – but, in a productive way – like something much needed is integrating in a powerful way today. I made myself a cup of tea as I set about healing and/or allowing whatever it was that I was feeling.

I love today’s particular tea message: “The Universe is within you. Bright and beautiful.”

I ALSO love the realization that both my initials were right there before me… one on the cup and one on the coaster… together forming the message – “SH”… indeed I shall. A deep “SH” fell over me as I placed all my attention and intention within.

All is within me. And within you. May we All dwell there long enough and quiet enough to let that powerful consciousness be the force that guides our experience here. For without that, this place makes no sense whatsoever! Ha! Love to All!

Within! SH!

Full Circle

This world will harden you if you let it. Time to reach beyond for something so much better!

As a very young child, my constant prayer was this – “To NOT become bitter.” [I didn’t yet know about stating it in the positive… but this worked for me… I knew what I didn’t want to become and I visioned it in the positive – what I would become and stay open to Being – even though I repeatedly stated it this way I visioned the positive side clearly and fervently].

That was my guiding mantra… my greatest intention. To stay open. I saw so many bitter people and encountered so much to be bitter about. I made the effort to recite, embody and hold dear this very special to me prayer throughout my childhood and into my young adult life. I lived it.

I’m 47 now. It’s a full circle moment. To make things happen, to get things done to go out into the world (whirled) and create/impact/show up… it may have a hardening effect. I’m not bitter… I still Believe. I’m still open – in different ways than I could have imagined – but, still open.. not to the illusionary world, but to what is beyond that. I never became bitter. But, I have recently allowed this world to cause/push/program me to slip from my nature… from my softness.

I fought hard for my authenticity and I never do or say anything without it. With that, many situations call for an authentically tough and/or rough approach to “accomplish” anything and/or just get common sensical needs met/tasks handled/lackluster approaches avoided, etc. It’s a funny world now and a strange culture being perpetuated on us all the time… let’s just say they like to strip what is ‘natural’ out of it and distort, invert and corrupt in every possible way.

With my authenticity comes a direct approach that people don’t love I suppose. I show up as honest, open, direct, forthcoming, straightforward and it is just so interesting how people now take offense to that (even with warm vulnerability)… which only makes me settle in harder because I know my pure intentions behind it and I never intend in harmful ways… even if I’m willing to say the tough stuff…

In this full circle moment – kind of prompted by a straw that broke the camel’s back situation in a business interaction today – I do declare and embody this full circle prayer/mantra/intention – “To reclaim my softness… my nature.”

I’ll still treasure my authenticity I hold so dear… but, I’ll protect the part of me that is so delightfully and beautifully soft and like no other force … my softness is a precious treasure full of so much Life, Love and nurturing possibility… it can move mountains and shape steel. I don’t have to pretend to belong to this world of harsh edges and inverted roles. I AM my nature and anything worth Doing can be done in that frequency.

I reclaim my softness … my Nature!!!
I reclaim my softness … my Nature!!!
I reclaim my softness … my Nature!!!

So much Love and powerfully authentic softness your way!!!


I played around with this concept/way of existing a lot this week… immediately shifting into the chosen experience/timeline I could already feel for myself. It elevated/expanded my experience – and consequently, the experience of those around me – on multiple occasions. This little shift in perspective that I let govern my experiences felt so real, so true, so full of perfect possibility, so exhilarating, as I allowed myself to embody more of what I Know I deserve… there was a sense of déjà vu as well… without delving too much into mechanics, let’s just say, you CAN choose… it is already there waiting for you to experience/remember/allow/embody…

It can be sometimes daunting to place the onus on ourselves to hold the space/energy/frequency for the desired outcome to pull towards us and become possible (over ‘time’). It is a lovely little shift in perspective, and then, experience, to realize (real eyes) that All is already there waiting for us to step into (NOW). Just a simple shift into aligning with what is already there.

A key component in all of this is the KNOWING that you deserve the desired/attractive/elevated experience. You just have to Know and then Live it. Just that little shift into truly Living the thing that you deserve. Part of this feeling/knowing you deserve more takes a turning away from so many disgusting parts of society that try to shrink us into Being less and feeling we deserve less (it happens in a myriad of ways – too many to address here). There is powerful Truth in the Knowing (from WITHIN) that we deserve and are ready (now) for more…

This Knowing that steers us towards the unlimited way of Being is within reach… choice by choice. Lean in to an immediately elevated and expanded experience by Aligning with what already IS – you deserve it; the world will become a better place every time you choose it!!!

I Love you!


Their illusion is just that – an illusion.
You are not here in or on their timeline.
You’re not simply a meaningless character in their diabolical story…
Not unless you choose to be…

They would like to keep you stuck there pandering to their grotesque design … a design so horrendous that the human spirit/heart would NEVER feel at home in such a place. They don’t appeal to your heart and certainly not your spirit… they do all they can to rid this place of the frequency of pure Love… instead they bombard you with the opposite – the frequency of fear… if they can’t keep you scared, they can at least keep you distracted… whether with trivial nonsense, orchestrated division or actual survival mode.

The TRUTH of the matter is that you dwell somewhere else.
Somewhere within.
Somewhere only YOU can take yourself.
We’re meant to go there – AND to bring what is only found WITHIN to this place.

It is not a lonely place. It connects you to so much more than you will ever find on the stage where they ask you to set your eyes. Let not their direction steer your attention. Why PAY attention to the illusion when you can GIVE attention to what is real?

It is simple. It is a war between what IS Natural (Nature) and the artificial (inorganic).
We decide what we will connect to and/or align with.

We ARE! We Love!
Live what YOU Know – from WITHIN.
Not what the illusion would have you beLIEve.

I Love You!

We Arrive Together!

There is too much information coming at us. Way too much. There is an inorganic design at play here. We can feel it; its chaotic desperation is intensifying and quickening.

We are Divinely designed for something more. We are meant to feel! We are not here just to process information. We are being overloaded. Our senses are being dulled. Our intuition is being targeted. We are more than this illusion being perpetrated on us. Much much more.

The journey within… it is an individual path… with a uniting intention/destination.

May you feel deeply and organically today and every day! May you feel Source energy running through your cells and All around you. May you access your own intuition in a multitude of miraculous (normal outside of the illusion) ways.

Miracles are normal… when they’re given space to BE. It’s the illusion that is distracting and limiting and pretending to be.

Feel it All. Let Love embrace you.
We arrive together!
I Love you!

Tune Up!

Today is a great day to… Sample the silence! Interrupt the programming! Merge with nature! Go within! TUNE UP!!!!!

Sound is so very powerful – it dominates our senses. We must choose wisely what we ‘listen’ to or what noise we allow in. The effects of sound run deep and control so many aspects of our Being – from direct hits to our nervous system to complete control of our perspective and so much more. If we allow constant noise in our lives, we aren’t truly Living… we are being steered/led/directed/governed and effectively – DIMINSHED! 

Often (without proper clearing and cleansing), the sounds we allow around us, begin to reverberate within us. We may even have a noisy mind that dominates our experience or keeps us stuck in repetitive illusions – robbing us of the actual Life around and within us. That noisy mind stems from what we have listened to, heard without realizing, focused on without proper intention and/or unconscious attention or just allowed into and/or around our Being.

Sound can be jarring, but it can also be quite soothing/nurturing/Loving/healing. Much has been done here to use sound destructively against us – more than most can/want to imagine. We must set the intention and follow up with proper action to use sound as the healing modality that it Can be. 

Nature is here for us. From my perspective, God is here – in nature AND – in us. There is also an overlay here – of other frequencies that lays over nature and pretends to be real. The overlay is the noisy part of things. What lies beneath/above/within (so to speak) is what is real, natural, true and of Love – the highest frequency. I could go on and on here – but, for today’s purposes, I just want to suggest nature as a way to sample the silence/specific sounds made of God/Universe/Love. 

If you can’t get out in nature today – then hijack their overlay and use technology to sample the sounds you might have found in nature today. Use your Divine guidance to steer you towards new sounds on whatever device you prefer (from various nature sounds, to sound baths, sound bowls, handpan, soothing music with the proper frequency, energy healing sounds, etc.). There is no substitute for actual Nature, of course, but, there is a way to access nature within/that is YOU. Use whatever methods necessary to dive deep within what lies inside YOU. 

There is a reason they call it a “tune up” – lets TUNE UP today! Let’s be hugged by nature in whatever ways we can today! Let’s sample the depth of the silence, the merge with nature, the quieting of the programs and the exquisite beauty found within today!!!

So much Love to ALL!!!!


It’s me – sending perfectly ‘timed’ messages to myself.
You are too! We are the same… Source…
Are you listening?
Are you ready?
Maybe you’re enjoying the snooze button and relishing the last bits of what you perceive to be your ‘comfort’ zone.
But, you Know the ‘time’ is near.
With a true and Divine awakening – there is absolutely nothing to fear.
Fear can only be felt in the slumber.
Beyond that there is – Love… all-encompassing and ever-expanding Love.

For me personally, I feel DEEP and PROFOUND gratitude for the epically perfect timing in my life when it comes to real-eyes-ing so many things about this ‘world’ / this version of ‘reality’ / this projection ‘they’ are forcing at us and then through us as the TRUE projectors. We are the projectors. We can sleep walk through it or consciously create it. We choose – if AND when.

‘They’ may help you step through as they come into your awareness and then ‘they’ fade out as your Heart expands and your truest vibrations come to Life on an ever expanding perfectly ‘timed’ schedule… if, you’re listening… and choosing to Live… to Be… to truly Exist as you were meant to. The illusion fades as you shine your majestically beautiful rays.

I plant seeds in various ways. I hope to spark curiousness or ignite awareness(es) that may help you hear your own messages… for it is all you… getting your own attention. The distractions are many. You are stronger than them. You will listen when you’re ready. You will thank yourself so very much! You will Love All – and through that you WILL change the ‘world’.

We Are!
I Love you!


We are Creation!
Will we Create or be controlled?

All we need is WITHIN us… we CAN
write our own story and project it onto the world.

Sending so much Love today!
Ready to receive so much Love today!

Some of us Know in our bones.
Some days it’s easier than others – knowing takes courage.

Sending Love to All!
Whatever it is you ‘Know’…

Love will Light the way.
Creation is always the Spark – of True Light.

I Love you.